Arguably, ONLY I Can Win

Last week, my blog post articulated the case for why and how the Republican Party actually can win back Minnesota’s Third Congressional District – by nominating a non-polarizing candidate like me. Today, I will explain why I may be the one and only Republican (or Democrat) in the field who can win in the general election this fall.

Donald Who?

Let’s get right to the point. On the “issue” of my “support” of Donald Trump, let me start by recognizing some important things that I have in common with former President Trump. First of all, we both ran for office as outsiders to politics, with neither of us being a “same old, same old” career politician. We both also are business oriented, with decades of experience in the real world of business. We both are men with bold ideas and plans, who are not tied to the status quo. Like Mr. Trump, I am fearless and not afraid to ruffle feathers (as you likely can tell).

Regarding policy as well, I looked at President Trump’s 2024 campaign website, and I see several positions that agree with mine:  Free speech, school choice and charter schools, working for peace such as through his Abraham Accords, fighting drug cartels, rebuilding our military, keeping taxes low, reducing the size of federal bureaucracy, keeping illegal immigrants out of our country, and battling crime through federal prosecutors in America’s cities.

In making our endorsement decisions, the only real support a president needs from a member of Congress is votes on policy initiatives. If President Trump does win his election and returns to the White House next January, he certainly is not going to get support on legislation from my Democratic opponent, Kelly Morrison. That will be our fate if we nominate the wrong candidate and Dr. Morrison wins a seat in the U.S. House in Washington, D.C.

Having noted those points, I need to reiterate the stark reality we face: none of our Republican candidates can win a general election in our particular congressional district by running under the Trump banner or waving a Trump flag. As you may know, Donald Trump lost to Hilary Clinton in Minnesota’s Third Congressional District by nine percentage points in 2016, and then to Joe Biden by nearly 20 points.

Further, Erik Paulsen won the Third District by double digits five times in a row until then-President Trump endorsed him in the 2018 midterm, whereupon Paulsen lost by 11.5 percentage points.

Therefore, the first reason I can win is that, unlike the other three Republican candidates, I am the only one who has not pledged support to Donald Trump in his 2024 reelection bid. (Fear not, Republicans, I do not support Joe Biden either. I am among the majority of Americans who prefer a better, less-divisive candidate than Biden or Trump.) Because of my courageous stance, I cannot be attacked by the left in the general election race due to anything Mr. Trump has said, done, or been accused of in the past, or will say, do, or be accused of in the future. One of my distinguishing characteristics and advantages in this district is my personal non-endorsement of Mr. Trump and avoiding his endorsement of me.  My personal view of Donald Trump works to your advantage on the electability issue.

Moderate Districts Vote for Moderate Candidates

Our suburban Third Congressional District voters always have voted for who they considered to be the most moderate candidate, as noted in a blog post last month. Compared to Dr. Morrison and my fellow GOP contenders, that will be me.

We all know that Kelly Morrison is extremely far to the left fringe of her party, but what is it that is not moderate about the three Republican candidates besides me? On that point, we all must put ourselves in the shoes and minds of those independent general election voters. To be blunt, those voters “stuck in the middle” do not view Trump’s MAGA movement as moderate in any way. To repeat, all three of the other Republicans candidates in my race have pledged their support for President Trump.

Recognizing these facts in our candidate endorsement choice is the one and only way we can attract a large number of independents, center-leaning Democrats, and the Republicans who have supported Republicans other than President Trump. Please remember, Republicans are outnumbered in this district, and we cannot win here without the independent and centrist voters. And we cannot attract those voters if our endorsed candidate supports Mr. Trump. That is the hard truth. That is reality.

Having absolutely no political baggage, I am the only candidate in my race who will be acceptable to the great political middle.

Only I can lead them back into the Republican Party and thereby win in this scenario.

Quentin R. Wittrock

Responsible. Respected. Rational.

8 thoughts on “Arguably, ONLY I Can Win”

  1. It’s interesting how much more militaristic and “extreme” Trump is in rhetoric compared to actual policy. Compared to Biden he seems to be the more moderate candidate.

    That being said, I completely agree with the general sentiment that in the Twin Cities Trump is not viewed in that way…. like at all.

  2. I just looked up information on Kelly Morrison. She is running strongly supporting Joe Biden. I can’t see that her platform in any way mirrors the opinions of the people of the 3rd District or how they have been in the past.

  3. From the kelly morrison website

    “When Kelly is elected, she will be the only pro-choice OB-GYN in Congress”

    Really scraping the bottom of the barrel for “Firsts” these days.

  4. “Fear not, Republicans, I do not support Joe Biden either. I am among the majority of Americans who prefer a better, less-divisive candidate than Biden or Trump.”
    Even though most American don’t like it, the reality is that we have two choices in the presidential election: Donald Trump or Joe Biden.
    You don’t need to actively support Donald Trump but actively undercutting him is not helpful unless your ONLY goal is to get yourself elected. If you have a greater goal of advancing the principles you believe in, helping beat Joe Biden has to be on the to-do list.
    A vote for anyone other than Trump is a vote for Biden.
    Giving other Republicans aid and comfort that it is OK to not vote for Trump is counterproductive. It hurts his chance to win Minnesota.
    In the big picture, having Trump and Morrison in office next January is better that having Whitrock and Biden. Anything that undercuts the chances of a Trump win should be a non-starter.
    Something to think about as you continue your campaign.

    1. BJ, thanks for your comment. If if you think my half vote in Coon Rapids (by supporting neither) will cause Donald Trump to lose Minnesota, and my non-endorsement also will cost him the actual swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, etc., you must be more concerned about his electoral chances than I am. Trump seems to be leading in the polls in the states that will determine the outcome. Quentin

      1. I understand that Trump was not your first choice. But he is now the only alternative if we don’t want four more years of Joe Biden.
        It’s not your individual vote that matters, although if you aren’t going to vote for the only VIABLE candidate that supports your stated goals, I can reasonably question your commitment to the stated goals. Do you believe they are important to the future of the country? If you do, you have to vote for Trump. You don’t have to outwardly support the man but you need to vote for him in the privacy of the voting booth and you can’t undercut him in ways that make others less likely to vote for him.
        It is your voice as the Republican standard bearer in the district, if you are the candidate, that will sway voters.
        Minnesota is going to be close. Every vote will matter.
        We need every vote that we can earn for the 3rd CD seat and for a President who will represent our platform and issues. We need to convince as many on the fence as possible to vote FOR Trump.
        Actively dissing Trump is not helpful and will help influence those on the fence (who don’t like his character or personality or whatever) that they should not vote for him, even when they know his ideas are way better than Biden’s. And every vote for someone other than Trump (or an abstention) makes it easier for Biden to win and continue his disastrous policies.

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