I Have a Plan to Win

To win, you need a man (or woman) with a plan. And that is me. To win, I have a simple three-step plan, in fact.

Step 1, chronologically, is for the delegates at Minnesota’s Third Congressional District Republican convention to endorse and then nominate me – the one candidate who can win this November in our very challenging, center-left-leaning district. I discussed that step in my previous posts, We Can Win, I Can Win (April 7, 2024), and Arguably, ONLY I Can Win (April 14, 2024).

The Second Step is My Responsibility

Step 2 is up to me to campaign strongly and on the right issues.

My substantive plan is to focus on four important federal issues on which there is a broad consensus among everyone in our district except for the far left: (1) strengthening national defense, national security, and national borders; (2) reducing spending by our federal government, which has led to a $35 trillion national debt and $1.5 trillion interest on that debt, all of which produces inflation and deprives us of money needed for America’s true priorities; (3) boldly rescuing our national Social Security Trust Fund, which is on pace to run out in seven to eight years; and (4) preserving freedoms ranging from individual freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights to businesses’ abilities to thrive under the free enterprise system.

All of this stems from my strong belief in the principle of limited federal government.

And I actually have a plan for specific action items on each of those four issues. Regarding national defense, national security, and our national borders, I believe Congress should approve increased and more efficient military and national security budgets. Specifically on America’s borders, I believe Congress should vote to fund whatever our experts on the ground along the borders need to keep illegal immigrants out of our country. Be it stronger laws, stricter policies, drones, other technology, more wall sections, agents, military support, asylum judges, or housing for immigrants at the border while they await asylum decisions, Congress should allocate the necessary funds.

What kind of family or business would have $5 trillion of annual income and spend $7 trillion of it? That’s what the United States does by borrowing, printing, and doling out more money each year through last-minute “spending bills.” My plan is for Congress to pass and stick to a budget – even a balanced budget (what a concept!) – with significant reductions in size and spending by all non-defense agencies. This goes back to my belief in limited government and fiscal responsibility.

The third issue I will mention is the need for Congress to rescue Social Security. I believe we could do that by phasing in a new eligibility age for people currently 10 or more years from retirement while increasing the annual contribution caps for high earners.

Lastly, I am advocating for individual liberties and less regulation of businesses, education, and all other aspects of our society. This will lead to reduced spending and more freedom.

Each of my four priority issues also are this district’s priority issues for our federal government. These are consensus-building, non-divisive issues around which the vast majority of rational and responsible voters in this district can agree.

I will strongly articulate these issue positions through my clear message of To Defend or Defund? (April 1, 2024), which will resonate with the voters of this congressional district.

Step Three

The final step of my plan is that the independent-minded, moderate voters of Minnesota’s Third Congressional District will rally behind these issues and vote for a brand-new candidate, a different kind of candidate, a principled person they can feel good about supporting. A servant leader. A candidate who is responsible, respected, and rational. Someone they can take pride in having as their representative.

Steps 1 and 3 are in the hands of the delegates and voters. My team and I are responsible for Step 2.

We can win, I can win. Arguably, only I can win.  I have a plan to win.

Let’s go, and win!

Quentin R. Wittrock

Responsible. Rational. Respected.

1 thought on “I Have a Plan to Win”

  1. Go. Fight. Win!

    Thanks for your willingness to bring a strong, rationale, reasonable approach to our district and God willing, to DC.

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